fx=x^2+4x+3=x+2^21以太坊salona,函数对称轴是x=2以太坊salona,抛物线开口向上以太坊salona,下面根据a的大小分情况讨论1当a+2lt2,即alt4时,最小值为fa+2,即此时ga=fa+2=a^2+8a+15 2当alt2lta。
I once heard of a salon called #39Curl Up And Dye#39 I thought that was cute!Shuum is a very interesting name for a hair salon Even the way they say it on the phone is interesting Shuuuuuuuuuum。
What Is Lost Generation? The term “Lost Generation” came from Gertrude Stein, who had a salon in her house for English and American expatriates in Paris The Phrase was a remark she made to a。
沙龙 源自法语 salon 旧时法国巴黎的文人和艺术家常在崇尚艺术的贵妇人的客厅里集会,谈论文艺后来就把文人雅士聚谈的场所叫沙龙,现也指在文学艺术方面志趣相投的人们的一种社交场所 文学沙龙美术沙龙语言学沙龙 salon。