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1、1扔leave about, throw about, litter ,leave sth about 这孩子把衣服扔provident的卧室里到处都是The child threw his clothes about in the bedroom2节约Economical,thrifty,frugal,provident 这是厉行节约的一个;Some of the farmers had been provident in the good years but others were ruined by the bad harvests 有些农民在丰年节衣缩食 有备无患 ,但也有些农民由於歉收而陷入绝境 Some use them to keep a close watch;Who for thysely art so unprovidentGrant if thou wilt, thou art beloved of many,But that thou lov’st is most evidentFor thou art so possessed with murd’rous hate,That’gainst thyself thou stick。

2、壳牌公司在挪威近海发现Provident油气田,可能有10亿桶油当量储量大于1亿桶油当量的重要发现,如安哥拉的海区油田,毛里塔尼亚的Chinguetti油气田水深800米,可采1亿~15亿桶,2005年底或2006年初投产,阿根廷Macuete气田2万亿~3万亿;reason2 having parttime jobs enables a student to learn how difficult it is to earn money, so they can become more provident学会节俭reason3 while working, many students can find out how tired working;provident 顾念将来,节约的providential 幸运的provisional 临时的provoke 刺激,引起purport 声称purpose 用意,目的pursue 追捕,追逐 TopREback,again反向,再次 re 是英文最常见的字首,源自拉丁文字首re,有 back 或 again 之意 这个字。


3、Who for thyself art so unprovident既然provident你对自己只打算坐吃山空Grant if thou wilt, thou art beloved of many,好吧,就算你见爱于很多很多人,But that thou lov#39st is most evident说你不爱任何人却地道;普罗米修斯 词典 Prometheus例句每一个人,特别是那种远见卓识的人,永远处在普罗米修斯所处的那样一种境地Every man, especially those that are overprovident, is in estate like that of promethus;莎士比亚精选十四行诗1 For shame, deny that thou bear#39st love to any 羞呀,你甭说你还爱着什么人,Who for thyself art so unprovident既然你对自己只打算坐吃山空Grant if thou wilt, thou art beloved;Provident men lay aside money for their families深谋远虑的人为家庭贮蓄钱财Saving in season, spending with reason, make the good household及时储蓄,合理开销,家庭安康Little and often fills the purse小收入。


5、1Bupa是一家什么样的公司 1947年,二战后的英国满目疮痍,对医疗的需求尤为迫切,17家福利机构联合起来为顾客提供高品质的私营健康保险服务于是,British United Provident Association英国互助联合会成立了,这就是我们今天我;它来源拉丁介副词prae 原意为before, beforehand 或infront,即表示时间或空间上的“前”前缀pre与前缀post 是一对相反的词缀 3pro和pre有什么区别从英文意思上前缀pro是“forward,forth, out”的意思,表示“。



