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wx头像 wx 2022-06-10 03:52:12 6
<p>西班牙造型师兼发型师亚历克西斯·费勒一向以发明超凡脱俗的发型而出名,现在他又用史无前例的立异技能改变了时髦潮流。他是第一个测验在头发上打印图画的美发师,通过数年的研讨和实验,他总算可以在头发上展现出杂乱而准确的五颜六色图画。</p><p>Photo: @rafa.andreu/Instagram</p><p>Barcelona-based stylist and hairdresser Alexis Ferrer has spent years developing a technique that allows him to digitally print colorful design onto human hair.</p><p>巴塞罗那造型师、发型师亚历克西斯·费雷尔多年来一向在研制一种可以让他将五颜六色图画打印到人类头发上的技能。</p><p>Alexis Ferrer started experimenting with hair printing in 2012, after being asked by haircare brand Wella Professionals to interpret a collection at that year’s International Trend Vision Awards. The aim was to “innovate with a technique not usually used in hairdressing,” and photographic printing on hair seemed like the perfect way to graphically tell a story.</p><p>亚历克西斯·费雷尔从2012年开端实验在头发打印图画,其时美发品牌威娜约请他在同年的世界潮流视觉奖上为他们的一个系列规划发型。他的方针是“用一种不常用的美发技能来立异”,而在头发上打印图画似乎是用图形叙述故事的完美方法。</p><p>Screenshot from Instagram</p><p>Ferrer’s first foray into hair printing had him create blond hair extensions with faces of female protagonists from horror classics like The Shiningor Hitchcock’sPsychoprinted on them. The models paraded with the hair draped over their faces, and the extensions were fixed with a net to allow the hair to adapt to the movement of the model.</p><p>费雷尔第一次在头发上打印图画的测验效果是把《闪灵》或希区柯克著作《惊魂记》这样经典恐怖电影中女主人公的脸打印在金色假发上。模特们在走T台时将头发披散在脸上,假发被一个网固定住,这样就可以不受模特的举动所影响。</p><p>foray [?f??re?]: n. 进入,初度测验</p><p style="text-align:center;"><img src="//img.changhecl.com/img_changhecl_com/zb_users/upload/water/2022-06-10/62a24f6ca254e.jpeg" title="中国印花网(中国纺织面料采购网)" alt="中国印花网(中国纺织面料采购网)"></p><p>Then, in 2017, for the 080 Barcelona Fashion Week, the Spanish hairdresser teamed up with designer Txell Miras, on a collection inspired by shipping containers and fishermen. This time, he had photographic portraits of bearded fishermen printed on long hair extensions, which was a first in the world of hairstyling.</p><p>2017年,这位西班牙发型师又和造型师特塞尔·米拉斯联手,为080巴塞罗那时装周规划了一系列创意源于集装箱和渔夫的发型。这一次,他将大胡子渔夫的肖像照印在了长长的假发上,这在发型规划界是创始。</p><p>Screenshot from Instagram</p><p>Then, earlier this year, Alexis Ferrer, showcased the most recent version of his hair printing technique, which now allows him to have colorful, vivid designs digitally printed onto human hair. Although the process was not revealed, the hairstylist described it as “a combination of artisanal styles mixed with technology”.</p><p>本年早些时候,亚历克西斯·费雷尔展现了他印发技能的最新效果,现在他可以将明晰的五颜六色图画打印到人类头发上。虽然他没有泄漏流程,可是他将其描绘为“手工艺风格和技能的结合”。</p><p>artisanal ['ɑ?t?z?n?l]: adj. 手工艺性的</p><p>"I must admit that the first impressions on the hair were a challenge. It took two months to get good results with high definition… Mixing technology with our knowledge of crafts has allowed us to recreate those wonderful patterns on the hair,” Ferrer said in an interview with INFRINGE.</p><p>费雷尔在美发杂志《INFRINGE》的访谈中说:“我有必要供认,最开端在头发上打印图画是一个应战。我花了两个月时刻才干印出比较好的高清图画。将技能和咱们的手工艺常识相结合让咱们可以在头发上重现美好的图画。”</p><p>Screenshot from Instagram</p><p>Screenshot from Instagram</p><p>His latest collection of hair printed designs, called ‘La Favorite‘, was inspired by “the best fabrics for the French bourgeoisie during the XVIII century,” and features a variety of Baroque-style motifs, like colorful peonies, butterflies, and birds.</p><p>他为头发打印规划的最新系列著作名为“独爱”,创意来自“18世纪法国资产阶级的最好布料”,其间包括各种巴洛克风格的图画,比方五颜六色牡丹、蝴蝶和鸟。</p><p>Screenshot from Instagram</p><p>Hair printing isn’t yet available as a commercial service, but it’s definitely proof of the innovation made possible by technology in hairstyling and fashion in general.</p><p>虽然头发打印没有走向市场,但这肯定是技能推进发型规划及时髦界立异的一个证明。</p><p>英文Oddity Central</p><p>翻译&amp;修改:丹妮</p><p>中国日报网</p>
